Tuesday, 8 January 2013

4 things I'm Looking forward to in 2013

So it's the start of the year where pretty much everybody is excited about discovering new things or doing new things in this new year .
Yet everyone is wondering what 2013 has in store for them well I've come up with a list of 4 things I'm looking forward to in 2013.

1) Spring 2013 Fashion
Ok so i know it's nowhere near spring yet and i still haven't put away all my winter jumpers and coats (it is still freezing here in France).
But i love spring, it's my favorite time of the year... It's not too hot and not too cold ,just right!
Which means the new Free People collection is perfect for this spring!! With it's hippy edgy vibes and city girl look it's right up my street and i especially love this lace top and denim dungarees ensemble!


2 New Music!

In the last year , i have discovered so many great artists and changed up my music genre just a little bit. I've loved We the committee , Mumford and Sons ,  Imagine Dragons  , Defining Times & Crystal Fighters!!Here are just a few new albums i'll be waiting patiently for in 2013:

Heartthrob by Tegan and Sara 

I'm already obsessed with a few tracks on this album such as "Now I'm all messed up" and "Closer". I've been a huge fan of this band for at least 5 years and never have found anything disappointing with any of their albums which are always filled with catchy jams ,unusual lyrics and just relate able songs.This album is definitely one for the indie electro pop rocker and definitely one i will be buying!! You can pre order / get the album here via Itunes.

James Arthur - Yet to be named record

This guy has talent and an amazing voice which probably had something to do with why he was the winner of X Factor Uk 2012. 
On the show , James did many covers and every time he nailed them making them his own , by almost turning the song into an unrecognizable version of the song. Anyways just can't wait to see what this guy has up his sleeve for his very first album. In the meantime you should check out his cover and winning song" Impossible " (if you don't know it already).

3) Makeup

Whenever the seasons change , there is one thing i love to do and that is change up my makeup routine.
Another reason why spring is my favorite time of year is the versatile looks you can wear make up and fashion wise. 
And this is why these gorgeous lipsticks from Mac cosmetics are perfect to play around with from a very girly fresh look to a dark vampy look.

I'm also loving the colored eyeliner makeup with a pastel lip!

4) Movies!

I love Movies , all different genres of movies : action , comedy , drama , thriller , romcom ...
And so these are the movies I'm most excited to see this year!!

Gangster Squad  

This Is the movie i'm the most excited to see. Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone, (my favorite actor & actress) star in this action packed drama set in L.A in the 40s-50s , about a group of LAPD's trying to fight off the East Coast Mafia types out of L.A.

Warm Bodies

A zombie romcom?! Yep this next one is a horror, comedy, romance and it looks pretty good.
It's a different twist on all the other zombie & rom com movies out there so... should be good!

OZ: The great and powerful

This one takes me back to when i was a kid and i would watch the original Wizard of Oz over and over till i knew it off by heart! So it just seems logical for me to see this one and on the plus side it looks mega cool!

So there you are everybody , my top 4 things i'm excited about this year and i'm sure there will be plenty more !!!
Let me know what you are looking forward to...

Xoxo The last girl in town

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

The famous new year resolutions...

Well this is my very first post and what better way to kick this whole new experience and year off than writing down my new year resolutions...

Of course this excludes all fantasy resolutions such as :
1. Become Ryan Gosling's GF
2. Never eating chocolate again (I mean seriously , who ever does)
3 . Become a cooking goddess.

All of those have been failed resolutions of the past!

So here's to a brand new year , a new start , a year full of hope and yet to be fulfilled wishes and dreams!!

Happy new year everyone!
Fill it with Love , laughter , dreams , family and (Of course) lots and lots of chocolate !!!

Xo The last girl in town

what are your new year resolutions ??!